Level 1
ST 4 PE 3 EN 9 CH 2 IN 7 AG 8 LK 7
Medicine, Unarmed, and Explosives
Level 2
Unarmed +17 (56)
Daddy's Boy/Girl
Bobblehead (Endurance)
Bobblehead (Unarmed)
Rad Regeneration
Level 3
Unarmed +17 (85)
Intense Training (PE)
Bobblehead (Perception)
Bobblehead (Intelligence)
Bobblehead (Agility)
Bobblehead (Luck)
Bobblehead (Strength)
Bobblehead (Medicine)
Bobblehead (Explosives)
Level 4
Unarmed +15 (100), Explosives +3 (44)
Iron Fist
Level 5
Lockpick +4 (20), Explosives +6 (50), Medicine +8 (60)
Iron Fist
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (17)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (28)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (25)
Level 6
Speech +3 (13), Barter +15 (25)
Bloody Mess
Level 7
Speech +6 (19), Barter +5 (30), Science +2 (30), Medicine +5 (65)
Level 8
Sneak +5 (30), Speech +1 (20), Barter +2 (32), Medicine +10 (75)
Iron Fist
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (33)
Level 9
Speech +1 (21), Explosives +5 (55), Barter +12 (45)
Lead Belly
Level 10
Speech +9 (30), Explosives +4 (59), Barter +5 (50)
Level 11
Sneak +5 (35), Speech +5 (35), Barter +5 (55), Medicine +3 (78)
Night Person
Level 12
Sneak +5 (40), Speech +5 (40), Explosives +1 (60), Barter +5 (60), Medicine +2 (80)
Life Giver
Level 13
Sneak +3 (43), Speech +5 (45), Barter +10 (70)
Intense Training (PE)
Level 14
Speech +13 (58), Barter +5 (75)
Adamantium Skeleton
Level 15
Speech +2 (60), Explosives +13 (75), Medicine +3 (83)
Light Step
Level 16
Speech +10 (70), Explosives +8 (83)
Action Boy/Girl
Level 17
Explosives +1 (84), Medicine +17 (100)
Better Criticals