Level 1
ST 8 PE 4 EN 7 CH 3 IN 8 AG 7 LK 3
Unarmed, Speech, and Science
Pitt Fighter
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (19)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (20)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (36)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (21)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (19)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (34)
Bobblehead (Speech)
Level 2
Unarmed +6 (40), Speech +10 (47), Science +2 (38)
Intense Training (CH)
Bobblehead (Unarmed)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (51)
Level 3
Unarmed +17 (68), Speech +1 (48)
Intense Training (AG)
Level 4
Unarmed +18 (86)
Intense Training (ST)
Bobblehead (Strength)
Level 5
Unarmed +14 (100), Speech +4 (52)
Bobblehead (Charisma)
Paradise Lost => Speech +1 (55)
Level 6
Speech +21 (76)
Iron Fist
Bobblehead (Intelligence)
Level 7
Speech +22 (98)
Bobblehead (Luck)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (99)
Level 8
Science +22 (62)
Impartial Mediation
Bobblehead (Agility)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (100)