Level 1
ST 4 PE 6 EN 4 CH 5 IN 9 AG 6 LK 6
Small Guns, Speech, and Lockpick
Bobblehead (Intelligence)
Ant Sight
Level 2
Sneak +13 (30), Small Guns +7 (39)
Lady Killer/Black Widow
Level 3
Small Guns +16 (55), Lockpick +4 (38)
Intense Training (CH)
Level 4
Small Guns +10 (65), Lockpick +5 (43), Repair +5 (30)
Level 5
Small Guns +5 (70), Lockpick +17 (60), Speech +1 (33)
Level 6
Sneak +5 (35), Speech +17 (50), Repair +1 (31)
Bloody Mess
Level 7
Sneak +20 (55), Repair +3 (34)
Intense Training (EN)
Level 8
Sneak +3 (58), Speech +20 (70)
Level 9
Sneak +2 (60), Repair +6 (40), Science +15 (40)
Level 10
Repair +3 (43), Science +20 (60)
Mister Sandman
Level 11
Repair +17 (60), Explosives +1 (20), Science +5 (65)
Intense Training (ST)
Level 12
Sneak +10 (80), Medicine +13 (38)
Silent Running
Level 13
Science +1 (66), Medicine +22 (60)
Level 14
Lockpick +9 (69), Repair +10 (70), Science +4 (70)
Level 15
Energy Weapons +12 (41), Lockpick +1 (70), Medicine +10 (70)
Adamantium Skeleton
Level 16
Energy Weapons +19 (60), Barter +4 (21)
Better Criticals
Level 17
Energy Weapons +10 (70), Barter +13 (34)
Level 18
Barter +23 (57)
Concentrated Fire
Level 19
Explosives +10 (30), Barter +13 (70)
Level 20
Explosives +23 (53)
Grim Reaper's Sprint
Bobblehead (Barter)
Bobblehead (Big Guns)
Bobblehead (Energy Weapons)
Bobblehead (Explosives)
Bobblehead (Lockpick)
Bobblehead (Medicine)
Bobblehead (Melee Weapons)
Bobblehead (Repair)
Bobblehead (Science)
Bobblehead (Small Guns)
Bobblehead (Sneak)
Bobblehead (Speech)
Bobblehead (Unarmed)
Power Armor Training
Covert Ops
Level 21
Explosives +17 (80), Big Guns +6 (31)
Robotics Expert
Level 22
Big Guns +23 (54)
Chem Resistant
Level 23
Big Guns +23 (77)
Action Boy/Girl
Level 24
Unarmed +20 (45), Big Guns +3 (80)
Strong Back
Level 25
Unarmed +23 (68)
Fast Metabolism
Level 26
Unarmed +12 (80), Melee Weapons +11 (36)
Level 27
Melee Weapons +23 (59)
Level 28
Lockpick +2 (85), Melee Weapons +21 (80)
Level 29
Small Guns +7 (90), Lockpick +5 (90), Speech +4 (84), Science +7 (90)
Quantum Chemist
Level 30
Small Guns +7 (100), Speech +16 (100)
Almost Perfect
Bobblehead (Strength)
Bobblehead (Endurance)
Bobblehead (Charisma)
Bobblehead (Agility)
Bobblehead (Perception)
Bobblehead (Luck)
Big Book of Science => Science +2 (94)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +2 (84)
Paradise Lost => Speech +2 (100)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +2 (94)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +2 (100)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +2 (94)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +2 (96)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +2 (98)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +2 (100)
Big Book of Science => Science +2 (96)
Big Book of Science => Science +2 (98)
Big Book of Science => Science +2 (100)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +2 (86)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +2 (88)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +2 (90)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +2 (92)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +2 (94)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +2 (96)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +2 (98)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +2 (100)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +2 (84)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +2 (86)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +2 (88)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +2 (100)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +2 (90)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +2 (90)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +2 (94)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +2 (92)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +2 (94)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +2 (96)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +2 (96)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +2 (98)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +2 (98)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +2 (100)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +2 (100)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +2 (90)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +2 (92)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +2 (94)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +2 (96)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +2 (98)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +2 (100)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +2 (100)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +2 (92)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +2 (94)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +2 (96)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +2 (98)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +2 (100)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +2 (96)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +2 (98)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +2 (100)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +2 (92)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +2 (94)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +2 (96)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +2 (98)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +2 (100)
Pitt Fighter