Action Points
Carry Weight
Critical Chance
Dmg Resist
Hit Points
Melee Damage
Skill Points
Big Guns
Energy Weapons
Melee Weapons
Small Guns
Adamantium Skeleton
Almost Perfect
Bloody Mess
Concentrated Fire
Demolition Expert (3)
Fast Metabolism
Fortune Finder
Grim Reaper's Sprint
Intense Training (2)
Iron Fist (3)
Lady Killer/Black Widow
Life Giver
No Weaknesses
Rad Resistance
Robotics Expert
Strong Back
Level 1
ST 9 PE 9 EN 9 CH 9 IN 1 AG 1 LK 2
Speech, Explosives, and Small Guns
Bobblehead (Unarmed)
Bobblehead (Speech)
Bobblehead (Sneak)
Bobblehead (Small Guns)
Bobblehead (Science)
Bobblehead (Repair)
Bobblehead (Melee Weapons)
Bobblehead (Medicine)
Bobblehead (Lockpick)
Bobblehead (Explosives)
Bobblehead (Energy Weapons)
Bobblehead (Big Guns)
Bobblehead (Barter)
Bobblehead (Charisma)
Bobblehead (Endurance)
Bobblehead (Perception)
Bobblehead (Strength)
Level 2
Medicine +11 (26)
Lady Killer/Black Widow
Level 3
Small Guns +11 (42)
Intense Training (LK)
Level 4
Medicine +11 (38)
Intense Training (LK)
Paradise Lost => Speech +1 (50)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (35)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (36)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (37)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (38)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (39)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (40)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (41)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (42)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (43)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (44)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (45)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (46)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (47)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (48)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (49)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (50)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (51)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (52)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (53)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (54)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (55)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (56)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (57)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (58)
Pugilism Illustrated => Unarmed +1 (59)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (35)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (36)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (37)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (38)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (39)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (40)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (41)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (42)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (43)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (44)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (45)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (46)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (47)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (48)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (49)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (50)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (51)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (52)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (53)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (54)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (55)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (56)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (57)
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor => Barter +1 (58)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (35)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (36)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (37)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (38)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (39)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (40)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (41)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (42)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (43)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (44)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (45)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (46)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (47)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (48)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (49)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (50)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (51)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (52)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (53)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (35)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (54)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (55)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (56)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (57)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (58)
Tumblers Today => Lockpick +1 (59)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (36)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (37)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (38)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (39)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (40)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (41)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (42)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (43)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (44)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (17)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (18)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (19)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (20)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (21)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (22)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (23)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (24)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (25)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (17)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (26)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (27)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (28)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (29)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (30)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (31)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (32)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (18)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (19)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (20)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (33)
Level 5
Unarmed +11 (70)
Iron Fist
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (45)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (46)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (34)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (35)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (36)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (37)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (38)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (39)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (40)
Big Book of Science => Science +1 (41)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (21)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (22)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (23)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (24)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (25)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (26)
Level 6
Unarmed +11 (81)
Bloody Mess
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (27)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (28)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (29)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (30)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (31)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (39)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (32)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (33)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (34)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (35)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (36)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (37)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (38)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (39)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (40)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (40)
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual => Sneak +1 (41)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (41)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (42)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (43)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (44)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (45)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (46)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (17)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (50)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (51)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (35)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (51)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (47)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (48)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (49)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (50)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (51)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (52)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (53)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (54)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (55)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (56)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (57)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (58)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (59)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (60)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (61)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (62)
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine => Medicine +1 (63)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (18)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (19)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (20)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (21)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (52)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (22)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (23)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (24)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (53)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (25)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (26)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (27)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (28)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (29)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (30)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (31)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (32)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (54)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (33)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (34)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (35)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (36)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (37)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (38)
Level 7
Unarmed +11 (92)
Iron Fist
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (39)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (40)
Dean's Electronics => Repair +1 (41)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (55)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (56)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (57)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (58)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (59)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (60)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (61)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (62)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (63)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (36)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (64)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (65)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (66)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (67)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (68)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (69)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (70)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (71)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (72)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (73)
Duck and Cover! => Explosives +1 (74)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (37)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (38)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (43)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (39)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (40)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (41)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (42)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (43)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (44)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (45)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (46)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (47)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (48)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (49)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (44)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (50)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (51)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (52)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (53)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (54)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (55)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (56)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (57)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (58)
Grognak the Barbarian => Melee Weapons +1 (59)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (45)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (46)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (47)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (48)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (49)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (52)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (50)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (51)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (53)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (52)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (53)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (54)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (55)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (56)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (57)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (58)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (59)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (60)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (54)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (61)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (55)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (35)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (47)
Level 8
Unarmed +8 (100), Speech +3 (58)
Iron Fist
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (62)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (63)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (64)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (65)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (66)
Guns and Bullets => Small Guns +1 (67)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (59)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (60)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (61)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (62)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (63)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (64)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (65)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (36)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (66)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (67)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (68)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (69)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (37)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (70)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (71)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (72)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (73)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (74)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (75)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (76)
Lying, Congressional Style => Speech +1 (77)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (38)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (39)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (40)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (41)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (42)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (48)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (43)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (49)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (44)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (45)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (50)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (46)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (51)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (47)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (52)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (53)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (54)
Level 9
Speech +11 (88)
Strong Back
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (55)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (56)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (48)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (57)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (58)
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes => Big Guns +1 (59)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (49)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (50)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (51)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (52)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (53)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (54)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (55)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (56)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (57)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (58)
Nikola Tesla and You => Energy Weapons +1 (59)
Level 10
Speech +11 (99)
Level 11
Sneak +10 (51), Speech +1 (100)
Level 12
Sneak +11 (62)
Level 13
Sneak +11 (73)
Life Giver
Level 14
Sneak +11 (84)
Adamantium Skeleton
Level 15
Sneak +11 (95)
Level 16
Sneak +5 (100), Small Guns +6 (73)
Fast Metabolism
Level 17
Small Guns +11 (84)
Level 18
Small Guns +11 (95)
Rad Resistance
Level 19
Small Guns +5 (100), Energy Weapons +1 (60), Science +5 (46)
Concentrated Fire
Level 20
Science +11 (57)
Grim Reaper's Sprint
Level 21
Science +11 (68)
Level 22
Science +11 (79)
Robotics Expert
Level 23
Science +11 (90)
Demolition Expert
Level 24
Repair +10 (60), Science +1 (100)
No Weaknesses
Level 25
Repair +15 (75)
Level 26
Repair +18 (93)
Level 27
Repair +7 (100), Melee Weapons +11 (71)
Fortune Finder
Level 28
Melee Weapons +18 (89)
Demolition Expert
Level 29
Melee Weapons +11 (100), Medicine +7 (79)
Demolition Expert
Level 30
Medicine +18 (100)
Almost Perfect
Bobblehead (Intelligence)
Bobblehead (Luck)
Bobblehead (Agility)
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